Message from Jerry Hicks

"Standing on the shoulders of 52,527 giants"! 

Please can I take this opportunity to convey a massive thank you to all those who contributed in our campaign and produced a result that the media and political parties said was not possible. To our great credit we always believed and knew otherwise.

Disappointed? For sure. A magnificent achievement? Absolutely.

Our message, was vastly different to any of the other candidates, as were the resources! So, finishing second and in doing so beating not one but two Assistant General Secrtaries was incredible. It proved that we were right when we, and only we, said it was a two horse race and that we actually could have won.

However we did not win, but it is up to us now to decide what, if anything, we wish to do next in order to give a voice to the hundreds of branches and workplaces that nominated us and the 52,527 people who voted for us.

So please give these matters some thought and let me know by e mailing 

Returning to my opening statement, not to score a point but to make a very important point. All those in the media, who had no idea of what our members were thinking, portrayed the election as McCluskey versus Bayliss. They got it very wrong.
Worse still, those political parties and the many blog sites, who so readily peddled the myth of Bayliss being the real threat and only he or McCluskey could win, were also wrong, but they should have known better [perhaps they did?] and that makes theirs a bigger crime and a matter they must address themselves [not invent/concoct excuses after the event].

At all times, but especially in times of savage cuts, correct judgement is crucial. As no one will ever take a banking boss seriously or listen to their advice, why would we ever pay any attention to those that got this election and the possibilities so very wrong? 

Calling for 'Election of all officials', 'Confronting the Anti Union laws', a General Secretary on an average wage' struck a cord with 52,527 members and masses of people, employed, unemployed, in our union and those not, students and pensioners.............................................They haven't heard the last of us yet! Neither have National Express coaches seen the last of us.

Coming to a spare room near you soon, Keep on keeping on and expect the unexpexted.

Many thanks and massive respect to everyone,



  1. jerry dont get sucked back in to the corrupt mccluskey supporters club 'FOR A DEMOCRATIC UNION CONTROLLED BY THE MEMBERS' yeah about as democratic as the peoples democratic republic of korea.

    announce now that your standing in 4 years time and the true democratic broad left will form around you

  2. Socialist Appeal sends its thanks and greetings to Jerry for a magnificent campaign, a campaign we proudly supported from the very beginning. The task still remains to build on Jerry’s campaign, pulling together the people that did so much hard work and continuing the fight to turn Unite into a fighting democratic union led by the membership. In the end, we will succeed.

  3. Len McClunky spent hundreds of thousands pounds on his campaign, abused his position and that of other Unite employees, and had the backing of the "United Left" unite staff association. He couldn't even be bothered to turn up at the count, other paid officials did this work for him.
    Jerry still has the respect and support of all those grass roots members who he took the time to talk to, all over the country! No lazy fat cat union official can ever take that away from Jerry and his supporters!

  4. Well done Jerry, but the best man won hope you will work with him in building a union that will fight on the front foot.

    Note for Len well done

  5. Well done Len hope you can transform your staff association into a genuine democratic broad left. Doesn't seem likely.

  6. Tim Shipley. Unite memberNovember 25, 2010 10:18 pm

    Thanks jerry for representing the views of thousands of members in the construction industry. I recently had the pleasure of hearing you speak, on your election campaign in Liverpool and admired your intelligence, integrity and genuine passion in your beliefs.I would like to see you take on a senior role in our union, which reflects the results of this election and bring to this union of ours, all of those great characteristics you possess which are rare and true. Our Union and our Country need you NOW Jerry Hicks, NOT in four years time.
    Good luck and God bless Brother.
