Unite Complaint Saga Latest

From: david@dearunite.com [mailto:david@dearunite.com]
Sent: 01 July 2015 10:14
To: 'Murray, Andrew D. Unite Chief of Staff'
Subject: RE: complaints about Ewing, Malone, Smith

Dear Andrew,

Further to my complaint against BASSA ex-Chair Lizanne Malone of 29/6/15
"Rule 27.1.2 Being a party to any fraud on the Union or any misappropriation or misuse of its funds or property.
Ms Malone continued to claim expenses from the union for the period 1 May 2014 to about 15 December 2014 which is either fraud, misappropriation or misuse of union funds."

 I attach further detail for consideration by the Unite Executive.  Specifically Ms Malone made three expense claims during the period when she was not entitled to be a member of our union's Executive.  You kindly sent me the expense claims below on 27/1/15 and, for your assistance, I append them:

Therefore the total amount of Unite funds which I believe has been defrauded, misappropriated or misused, relating to this complaint, is £1,351.60. There may be other claims that I am not aware of.

Points to note:
1) There can be no doubt that Ms Malone was not eligible to hold office on the Executive for this period.  This has been tested in court. 
2) Ms Malone would have been aware, at least by the time of the second claim, that she may not be entitled to sit on the Executive -  as you know I first told you this on 16/6/14.  In any case it cannot be a defence to a breach of rule that you 'did not think you were breaching that rule'. 
3) I am not aware that Ms Malone has refunded these monies to the union,  I assume she has not.  She certainly should but in any case, as a point of principle a burglar returning stolen goods after being caught out does not entitle them not to be charged with the crime. 

As Ms Malone herself wrote (in her misconceived complaint against me) "Given the serious nature I would expect an investigation into this matter to commence within 7 days".  I submit that this matter is significantly more serious than her complaint, which amounted mostly to a claim that I am attempting to discredit her.  It must surely be in her interest as well as yours and mine to clear up this lost £1,351 as soon as possible, otherwise she discredits herself.

Therefore I look forward to hearing from you within 7 days.


Previous story here: "Unite Goes Messenger Hunting"

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