Momentum Plea


Jeremy Corbyn and Momentum need your help. 

Hundreds of thousands of people, like you, have joined the Labour party to help us transform our politics and our society.

To win the next General Election, we need to organise our Party and our communities around a movement with a clear and bold plan to put an end to savage Tory cuts, reach out to all those disillusioned with politics, and offer a vision of a better, fairer future. 

The plotters who have paralysed our party during a period of national crisis are afraid to even have a debate with our own members, let alone the country. That's why they've resorted on trampling on party democracy and trying to force Jeremy off any leadership ballot.

This is the old politics versus the new, and we have 24 hours to ensure our party gets a choice about its future. 

Here's what you can do now. 

Join Labour, and stay 
Join the Labour party, join Momentum and encourage your friends, workmates and family to join. The plotters don't want a mass party that can reach beyond Westminster. We do, and we're here to stay. There has never been a time where your active support in the Labour Party is more needed. 

Sign our petiition
Sign our petition to show your support for Jeremy Corbyn being on the ballot for any leadership election, and to ask our National Executive Committee to respect Labour democracy - and then share the link to the petition on social media.

We'll be sending more ideas for ways to help. 


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