Urgent: Momentum Calls Anti Coup Protest

If the Blairite coup succeeds, the large number of overpaid unrepresentative Labour MPs will drag the party further from its grass roots, opening up the field for UKIP amongst traditional working class constituencies.  UKIP's target now, after Brexit, is working class votes.  

You know what that leads to....   
'Hitler Youth' click link

Stop that happening now:


Dear member,

The future is uncertain. After a Brexit vote we are in a time of national crisis, Cameron has resigned and we will likely have a general election with the potential of Britain lurching yet further to the right.
A small number of Labour MPs are using this as an opportunity to oust Jeremy, disrespect the Labour membership who elected him and to disregard our movement for a new kind of politics.
We cannot let this undemocratic behaviour succeed.
Join us at 6 pm outside Parliament tomorrow, Monday 27 June.
The Parliamentary Labour Party will be meeting inside, so let's make sure they can hear us, the Labour Party members and voters outside.

Please invite as many people as you can to the Facebook event.

We must now stand strong to #KeepCorbyn and build our movement.
In solidarity,

Team Momentum
Momentum is funded entirely by membership fees and donations from thousands of supporters across the UK.

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